My point about the carpets is that they'll trap dander until disturbed - only then can some of it become airborne for the air cleaner to do its thing. An air purification system is more effective if there's less opportunity for the allergens to be trapped and periodically released.

I suppose you've also already considered whole-house purification, right? It's a lot more costly obviously. We have an HRV that was included with the house which helps a lot - thought I do have to clean its filter more often.

And while I did suggest getting rid of carpet where possible, I didn't mention anything about getting rid of pets - I assumed if you had them, it wasn't an option. smile My wife is allergic to both cats and dogs - we have two dogs. She's gotten so used to them that they no longer really bother her. But other dogs do, especially those with really coarse hair, like German Shepherds.

Edited by hybrid8 (19/05/2010 16:59)
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