I think your municipal ban might actually be a good direction to head. I'm fairly certain that the neighborhood I grew up in had a ban on soliciting, and we seemed to get almost nobody at the front door that we didn't want. I don't remember a single Jehovah's Witness in the 24-or-so years I lived there. It's not like I lived in a remote location, either. It was a well-off neighborhood in a nice town.
Hmmm.. I think turning this into a profit-generating system might work the best. Install some water nozzles, including some in the floor slab, a switch and a camera to record everything. Put up web site showing people getting water-blasted with funny captions. Run some advertising to make a few bucks. Lots of laughs.
...followed by the backlash you'll get when your trap catches a little 8 year old selling cookies. Do you have girl scouts in Canada?