Yes I know, but I am talking about actual Mk2 facia (i mean the black plastic bit if I confused you before) and processing them into different styles. It would be more limited then what DarkStorm has done with his custom Mk1 fascia but I like the Mk2 design because it looks even more futuristic. Like I said, making a woodlook for it would be relativly simple. Maybe there are also other possebilities. Say something like a carbon look, spraypainting it in silver or gold might look neat, maybe other colors would look good also. There is not that much plastic to work with but it is more then enough to achieve some cool effects. The grey buttos are also something I would like to see in different versions. How about a gold fascia smoked faceplate instead of the standard blue, red or what have you, and silver buttons ? Sounds like a cool combo to me, but then I am severely fashion challenged so

Mk2 - Blue & Red - 080000431