I'm assuming that means "new to me." I'm going to cheat, only because The main ones I want to mention I discovered last year and a couple the year before last. BUt I haven't told anyone else about them yet.
I'm going for "new to me," not necessarily "released in 2010." But at the same time, here's an example of what I'm
not looking for...
A friend of mine and I were riding in an elevator on our university campus (1993-ish?). A pair of kids got on, discussing music. Unfortunately, we missed the earlier part of the conversation, but the next line was "Have you heard that new band Queen?"
Sure, it's newly discovered to them, but at the same time, Queen is hardly a band toiling away in obscurity. Odds are that most people on the board here, even if they don't listen to rock, have probably heard of them.
I guess part of what prompted this thread was that I recently spent a fairly substantial amount of time listening to the last four years worth of SXSW tracks. While there were some gems in there, ultimately they all kind of sound the same after a while. Last night's concert left me wanting to go out and find every album these guys have made, and I haven't felt that way about music in a long while. That's what I want... those accidental discoveries that make you sit up and go "wow, I
have to share this!"