There are several instances in my application where I need to do bind to a button, respond to that button press, and potentially re-send the same button press. So, BINDBUTTONS, POLLBUTTONS, and (conditionally) INJECTBUTTONS depending on application logic.

This particular example is the down/bottom button. I want to use it to pull up an application menu, but in some cases, I need to send a raw "bottom" press through to the player app. The case I mentioned above is the long press, which switches between normal/full-screen info modes. If my app is bound to the bottom button to pull up a menu, I can't then send a long press of the bottom button through to the app using the empeg_notify interface.

I also need to send a short press of the same button through to pull up the player menu from my application menu, but that works fine now since INJECTBUTTONS works with short presses.

Ultimately, once an app needs to bind to a button press, it can't then send that same button press through with the empeg_notify interface -- only the INJECTBUTTONS ioctl can do that.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff