Originally Posted By: tonyc
Yeah, that's my #1 gripe about Google Voice. The service itself is pretty essential for me, given that I have to keep my cell phone in a locker outside our office suite all day. But, now that I've given everyone my GV number, I have to then tell them that whenever they send me an MMS, to send it to my mobile number. Of course, they think my GV number *is* my mobile number, so then they end up changing my mobile number and not sending to my GV number anymore, defeating the purpose of having it in the first place.

It is a little silly having a GV number for everything except if you want to MMS me then you need to use this other number but only for MMS.

Originally Posted By: tonyc
I don't know enough about how GV works to know if it's an easy fix or not, but it's really annoying.

The way MMS works is that you should get a SMS that contains details for your phone to download the extra media. Even if Google don't support MMS, just having it send you a SMS that says "<blah> tried to MMS you but we don't support it" would be better than how it is now where people send you a MMS and you don't know.