Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'm also a Cera fan, though I do think that in most of the stuff he's done he has played the same guy. The thing is, I find that guy hilarious

I'm with you on that one, completely.

I'd say that Expendables was worth watching with a crowd for all the scenes where people shout out and stuff.

You've just hit the reason why I hate watching movies in most US cities I've been to. People just don't know how to f'in shut up when the movie is on. I don't need someone behind me yelling "don't go down there!" or other instructions at the screen.

As for the movie as a whole, it was flawed but enjoyable. There were a lot of points where the movie dragged with very little action, which was a surprise for this type of film.

Sounds like the movie "The Losers" I just watched last night.
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