I'd say that Expendables was worth watching with a crowd for all the scenes where people shout out and stuff.
You've just hit the reason why I hate watching movies in most US cities I've been to. People just don't know how to f'in shut up when the movie is on. I don't need someone behind me yelling "don't go down there!" or other instructions at the screen.[/quote]
I think you misunderstand me, because I despise what you're talking about. I'm talking about whole-theater reactions, like when someone "blows sum'in up reeeal good," and everyone goes "WOOOOAAAHHH!!" That's the kind of stuff that's fun with a theater. It's why seeing Snakes on a Plane was fun (and why Piranha 3D will probably be fun too). These are, frankly, bad movies, but they're the kind that are fun with whole-audience participation. If there's just one jackass in the back who thinks he's a comedian and is commenting on everything, that's when I get an usher.
As for the movie as a whole, it was flawed but enjoyable. There were a lot of points where the movie dragged with very little action, which was a surprise for this type of film.
Sounds like the movie "The Losers" I just watched last night.
Sadly, yeah. However, The Losers failed a lot more as a movie. I think it was mostly due to poor direction. The Expendables, for the most part, knew exactly what it was and when it did what it did best it excelled. It just seems like perhaps the old action stars weren't up for a few more setpieces. Still, there's nothing quite like seeing Jet Li fight Dolph Lundgren.
To tie it all together, Chris Evans is really growing on me. He started out as the pretty boy actor, but has really appealed to me in some wacky roles. He was easily the best part of the Losers, and he really showed his acting chops in Sunshine (a movie criminally under-appreciated by the mainstream). He was hilarious in Scott Pilgrim, and I'll be interested in what he does as Captain America.