Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I used Ultimate Boot CD and then slipstreamed WDIDLE3 into a new build of the ISO before burning it.

Easy for you to say... smile The instructions you linked say "right click on the ultimate boot ISO and select extract files...." but right-clicking gives me no such option. That was my sticking point, I just don't know how to add something into an already-compiled ISO.

I did find an ISO that already had WDidle3 built into it, and was finally able to run the program. However, in addition to the pair of 2-TB "Green" drives, the WDidle3 program also set my 1-TB "Caviar Black" drive to 30 seconds before parking, which I hadn't intended to do. Thinking about it, I don't think that will affect me, that 1-TB drive is not a system drive, just a data backup drive and when it is accessed it is doing gigabyte transfers. If it turns out to be a problem, I'll just unplug it and then run the WDidle3 program again.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"