Well, to be fair to Doug, that second shot is taken with digital zoom.
Didn't finish my thought, there...
For digital zoom, that's not too bad. I've seen much worse, and I'd certainly consider it an acceptable quality for the trade-off of not having to carry a large camera and zoom lens on a potentially long hike. Is it a shot I'd blow up and hang as a poster on my wall? Of course not -- but it would hold up just fine as a 4x6, sitting on my desk at work.
To answer Doug's question of what kind of DSLR kit would it require? Well, if I were shooting for a magazine, I'd want something equivalent to Canon's 100-400mm zoom lens ($1600 USD from Newegg), on a 1D body ($5000 USD from Newegg). If it's just for myself, I don't need such a fancy body -- a prosumer, or even a consumer-level body would be just fine, with a 200mm zoom lens (and maybe an extender) for a package (probably) coming in under $2K.
Were really insane, I'd get a 800mm prime ($11K) with a 1D body mounted on a motion-control head (custom $$$), and shoot a series of shots (starting with the areas most likely to move, i.e. the people) and stitching them together after the fact.
Or I could get a medium-format Hasselblad DSLR (their H4D is $26K) and their 300mm lens ($4K), and blow the snot out of your puny 35mm DSLR quality.