Or I could get a medium-format Hasselblad DSLR (their H4D is $26K) and their 300mm lens ($4K), and blow the snot out of your puny 35mm DSLR quality.

You do know that a 300mm lens in medium format is equivalent to something like 180mm in 35mm (assuming 6 x 4.5 medium format).
Yes, which still leaves you a photo of such high resolution that you can crop to an equivalent framing without the need for crappy digital zoom.
But that's beside the point, which is that there are really multiple answers to Doug's question, and the "right" answer depends on who you are, what you want to do with your image, and what your budget is.
I could get out my 5 x 7 inch view camera with a 1000mm convertible lens (~250mm equivalent) and take a picture that could scan to over 100 megapixels- sometimes that's not practical though..
I wasn't going to bring up drum-scanning large- (or even medium-) format film, since he specifically asked about DSLR.