Originally Posted By: drakino
Originally Posted By: Dignan
The first time, in 2005, when I started an email at work and finished it at home, I was hooked. I don't need a desktop client and more importantly I don't want one in the least.

I've been able to do the same since 1992, before "cloud computing" was ever in anyones mind. Drafts stored on the server, and accessibility (back then) provided by any terminal program. The only thing that changed is that the terminal morphed into the browser.

Yeah, and let anyone do it without any knowledge of the stuff you're talking about. You seem to make light of that, like anyone could easily do what you're talking about. Not one of the people I support would be able to, even if it were set up for them.

I didn't say it wasn't possible before, but it's far easier now and anyone can use it.