Originally Posted By: mlord
For Linux users (and probably Mac, and other *nix systems), one of the best programs for quick and easy photo manipulation is the shareware xv program. It is distributed as a C language source code package. Being shareware, though, you have to hunt for it, rather than just point-and-click in synaptic.

Hey, the author still exists (better link than above).

SWMBO was complaining that xv "grab" doesn't work properly in Ubuntu 10.04. So, we just spent an hour together poking through it, and fixed it with this one-word change to the sources:
--- xv-3.10a-CRW-ml/xvgrab.c.orig       2004-04-25 17:57:11.000000000 -0400
+++ xv-3.10a-CRW-ml/xvgrab.c    2010-09-29 17:54:30.993963669 -0400
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
   XBell(theDisp, 0);           /* beep once at start of grab */
-  if (!autograb) XGrabButton(theDisp, (u_int) AnyButton, 0, rootW, False, 0, 
+  if (!autograb) XGrabButton(theDisp, (u_int) AnyButton, ButtonPressMask, rootW, False, 0, 
                             GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, tcross);
   if (autograb) {

SWMBO has emailed the change to the author, too.
