Well, the new hummingbird feeder works quite nicely, lots of hummingbirds flitting about. And for the first time ever I am running into limitations with my Panasonic DMC-FZ50 camera that other cameras might not have.

The FZ50 may well be the most fully-featured, most versatile, most (for lack of a better word) powerful non-SLR digital camera ever made. The flexibility is extraordinary. But, photographing hummingbirds is proving to be beyond its capabilities. Or maybe it's just my capabilities that are lacking.

[Warning: Math Ahead!] Hummingbirds flap their wings at about 50 times per second. At first glance, it would seem that any shutter speed faster than 1/50th of a second would suffice, but of course that is wrong. Their wingtips are traveling about eight inches (stroke and return) 50 times per second, or about 400 inches each second. That's an average speed of about 23 MPH. Note that's average speed. The wings are at a complete stop twice during each beat, so the maximum speed is uhhh... I'm not totally confident of my math, here, so Peter or Roger or somebody please check me.

Assume 4" stroke from top to bottom. The wingtip accelerates from 0 to maximum speed for two inches, then takes two inches to slow back to zero at the bottom of the stroke. This process takes half of the 1/50 second for the complete down/up stroke, or 1/100 second to travel from top of stroke to bottom. The maximum speed (assuming linearity) during this time/distance would be reached at the half-way point on the down stroke, at a distance of two inches from the top, at a time of 1/200 second from the beginning of the stroke. (For clarification: divide the full down/up stroke into quarters, accelerating from top to midpoint of down stroke, decelerating from midpoint to bottom; repeat on the up stroke. Distance from top to midpoint is two inches. Time for each quarter is one fourth of the 1/50th second required for the full cycle, or 1/200th second.)

Now, from our high school physics, we know that Distance equals one half acceleration multiplied by the square of the time, or:

D=1/2 AT^2. A little bit of algebra shows us that:
A=2D/T^2. We know that D=2 inches, we know that T=1/200 (or .005) second. Therefore:
A=2 * 2 inches/(.005 sec-squared) or
A=4 inches/.000025 sec-squared.

That works out to a rather fantastic 160,000 inches per second-squared. I would not give credence to this number, except that the velocity figure it yields in the next step is intuitively credible.

We know acceleration, we know time, we know distance. That gives us two ways of determining velocity.

First: Velocity = acceleration times time, or:
V=AT or
V=(160,000 inches/sec-squared) * .005 seconds or
V=800 inches/sec = 67 feet/sec or
V = 45.45 MPH.

Second: Velocity Squared = 2 * acceleration * Distance, or:
V^2=2 * A * D or
V^2 = 2 * (160,000"/sec-squared) * 2 inches or
V^2 = 640,000 (inches/sec)-squared or
V= 800 inches/sec = 67 feet/sec or
V = 45.45 MPH.

Hmmm... I notice that the result of all this math gives an answer equal to exactly twice the average speed. Could I have just said that the maximum speed is always twice the average speed in these acceleration/deceleration types of problem?

[Okay, you're safe now. End Math Zone]

So what it comes down to is I'm trying to get a stop-motion photograph from a distance of eight or ten feet of something that is moving at more than 40 MPH. 1/1000 of a second doesn't cut it. At peak velocity, that wingtip moves nearly a full inch during that 1/1000 second. But... my camera is capable of shooting at 1/2000 second, that should help things, right?

Here's the crux of the problem. The larger the aperture, the lower the maximum shutter speed my camera can use. I don't know why this is, but possibly it is some mechanical limitation involving the small sensor size needed with the 12x zoom lens. I dunno. But, for me to use a 1/2000 shutter speed, I have to shoot at f8 or smaller (higher aperture number). The lighting conditions I have dictate f4.5 or wider if I want to use 1/2000 second, which I cannot do at that aperture. I can crank up the ISO, but again the small sensor size gets noisy at ISO 400, and at 800 or higher is virtually unusable. I can shoot at 1/1300 at f4 (or smaller); I can shoot at 1/1600 at f5.6 or smaller; I can shoot at 1/2000 at f8 or smaller. It takes a LOT of light to shoot f8 at 1/2000 sec.

Why not use the flash? Couple of reasons. I don't know what the duration of the camera's flash is, but it is probably more than 1/1000 sec so it won't work as a "freeze-frame" tool. More importantly, even if the flash took only, say, 1/50,000 second, there is enough ambient light to cause blurring of the wings even at f11 and 1/2000 second. Not enough light for a good picture but enough to wreck the shot.

So, I am just about ready to admit that a good DSLR might, in this hummingbird instance, out-perform my FZ50, if only because you might not have that aperture vs shutter speed limitation that I have, and with that larger sensor you can crank your ISO up to what seem to me to be insane values and get away with it.

So... how do you guys photograph hummingbirds?



"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"