Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
How anybody can take a decent picture, awkwardly holding a camera at arms length, waving it around and watching the image slide sideways and up and down in the LCD screen is totally beyond me. Nobody who is serious about taking pictures would put up with that for an instant.

It depends on what you're trying to accomplish, doesn't it? I put up with it for many instances. Granted, I don't hold the camera at arms length as I can't see it as clearly, but is there really any significant difference between watching the image slide around in the LCD screen, and watching the image slide around in a viewfinder?

I use both a DSLR (which doesn't have a live-view LCD), and a compact camera that has only a rear LCD screen. I've used the DSLR in the wave-it-around at arm's length style (which has resulted in some fantastic images, despite not even being able to see an image on an LCD, never mind through the viewfinder), and I've used the compact camera on a tripod.

Having the LCD has been fantastic when I want to place the camera in a spot where I can't physically get my head behind the camera to look through a viewfinder (such as a worm's eye view of something).