Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Originally Posted By: siberia37
Newspapers and Construction Debris

Neither of which goes into typical landfill here. Newspapers are recycled and have been for some 20 years wherever I've lived. Large-scale construction debris is usually sorted and parts of it reclaimed. Large sections of concrete and other unreclaimable materials around here have been used to build out new land over water. The Toronto Islands, Ontario Place and Tommy Thompson park to be specific.

Plastic bags are a hazard for wildlife and water systems (treatment, drainage, etc.) Not to mention they're made of petroleum products. You should consider using biodegradable bags and then composting your cat poop. Or, flush the cat poop - it will go directly to a facility designed to deal with it.

Agreed that plastic is a hazard if you let it get out of the landfill- but I'm not doing that. The plastic bags aren't blowing away with 3 pounds of cat litter in them. Flushing cat poop and "urine cakes" (solidified litter) from the catbox would be a very bad idea. A sanitary sewer system cannot handle that- you would probably clog your sewer line costing you potientally hundreds of dollars. The only way it would work is if you didn't use cat litter at all and that would make your house smell disgusting. I wish there was a real biodegradable solution to cat litter but I don't see one at the moment.