Apple already has an apps site as well. They're super slow to make updates however which really pisses me off. They still list a version number for my app that's over a year old. I've updated the info twice, the last time last week with a new version number and details.

It's now super difficult to find from the Apple web site though. I suspect they've been mostly ignoring this thing knowing that the App Store was on tap.

I like the indexing aspect and as mentioned, they already have that, but IMO, they should really level the playing field by making the re-selling optional. I suppose that taking visitors off to another site and payment gateway could be confusing for some people. Hopefully they allow prominent linking to the developer's own site and don't put any restrictions on self-sales of the same products.

30% is a good cut versus traditional brick-and-mortar distribution, but most indie devs self-sell online and let me tell you, my selling costs are no more than 5% which even includes web hosting. Plus I also sell hardware, how's the store going to deal with that? Especially if the hardware is complimentary to the software.

The other thing is that Apple's App Stores are consignment-based. Unlike a brick and mortar, they're not pre-purchasing any inventory in bulk or otherwise. Big retailers get great wholesale prices buy buying large quantities and promoting what they're selling. The manufacturer or distributor is generally already paid by the time the items sell off the shelves.

I'd be extremely surprised if Apple's credit card processing rate was even as high 2%. Where's the other 28% going? Minus hosting costs and some web development and maintenance costs, they'll be making a large chunk of cash. They claim they're not making very much on the iOS App Store, but unless they're putting the cash in a shredder and making confetti with it for office parties, they're full of shit. Oh my, how can PayPal survive on a measly 1.9-4%?
Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software