I used to get the three blade kind and those would only be good for a few times. For some reason the five blade type go much longer.
I would guess that the reason is that Gillette (or whoever) puts worse blades in their previous-generation cartridges in order to convince you to upgrade. A single blade works just fine. There's really no reason for these ridiculous things.
Meh. I prefer the multi-blade versions. I only tried the 5-blade version when they sent out free samples (hey! free sample!), and I already had a fairly large supply of the single-blade types. It just... felt better, even after being used for 4 weeks.
And there's no reason for the goo strip, either
I'm with you on that. All the goo strip seems to do is rub off, and then get sticky, which makes the experience worse.
if you'd shave with real shaving cream instead of whipped alcohol.
Proraso count?
they sell at a 4750% markup.
Which is a darn good reason to have them in your stock portfolio.