As long as she can read it
No, not my point

Maybe she doesn't like using Acrobat (don't understand the interface, don't know how to search text in it, find it too slow, find the file too big, "just dislike" it).
Maybe she is afraid that .PDF may cause problems of whatever nature and sticks to what she always did, just to be on the safe side: Word.
Maybe she once lost her HDD content and her expert friend told her that Acrobat "has viruses".
Obviously I could go on forever.
I find it perfectly normal to be asked for a "Word format" of whatever electronic content is supposed to resemble a piece of paper with text on it.
Personally, my guess is that either she does want the option to edit it, whether she is supposed to or not, or she simply wants to have your CV in a format she "feels ok" with. I know a lot of people who would chose on these same two parameters.