This Thanksgiving, like last year, will only be attended by two meat eaters (my mom and myself). The other guests my wife and I will have over are vegetarians. Because less meat is needed, this year and last I just picked up a turkey breast instead of a whole one.
Now I'm getting a bit confused by the various options I have for preparing it, and what I need to do. I also wanted to get some ideas of what you guys do for your Thanksgiving meals, and how you prepare the turkey (if you have one). Do you brine or not? Stuffing? Breast v whole? What do you do for basting?
One of the things that I'm not sure if is how long I'll need to cook the breast. I have an electronic thermometer, so I'll constantly be informed of the temperature, but I've been reading that the breast takes only an hour to cook vs 5 for the whole thing, which sounds like a pretty big difference to me. Can I stuff just the breast? What if I don't want to, do I put something else in there?
Thanks for any help, and have a happy Thanksgiving!
Edited by Dignan (23/11/2010 18:52)