Ewwkay. FYI, I HAD contacted Godaddy, but their help was less than stellar. Basically the guy said "We can't help with custom scripting." While I understand this, I wasn't REALLY asking about a script problem.
As to the script being depricated, who cares? It works and works well. And my wife fully understands it. (In other words, I don't have to do the coding. She can!)
I was able to get around the issue with the following code:
<script language="javascript">
var refreshrate=6; //SECONDS BETWEEN REFRESH
var image="images/pixel.jpg"; //IMAGE NAME
var imgheight=1; //IMAGE HEIGHT
var imgwidth=1; //IMAGE WIDTH
function refresh(){
document.images["pic"].src=image+"?"+new Date();
setTimeout('refresh()', refreshrate*1000);}
document.write('<IMG SRC="'+image+'" ALT="Alternate Text" NAME="pic" ID="pic" WIDTH="'+imgwidth+'" HEIGHT="'+imgheight+'" STYLE="border: 0px solid Black;">');
I let it sit for 20 minutes, and poked around doing other things in the mean time, and it all worked fine. Thanks for all the input guys. Much appreciated!