Hoo boy I hear ya.

Our company is going through similar pains, although from the other direction. We're moving from waterfall development with large teams and trying to get agile methodology working for us on a new product.

It's interesting how I'm seeing the same complaints from you. You'd think they'd be different complaints.

My biggest one is the backlog of bugs that isn't getting cleared. I believe that this is a symptom that we're not doing Agile right. We shouldn't be just pushing bugs into the backlog, we should be fixing them. But the programmers are being pushed to work on the next feature and aren't given the task to Just Fix Bugs. And the testers are only getting the time to verify basic functionality on each new feature without being able to really test all the old features in-depth.

Another symptom that we're not doing Agile right: Not enough dependence on unit tests, automated tests, and static code analysis. Our coders just don't even know how to write unit tests, let alone getting into the mindset that the unit tests need to be incorporated from the beginning. Almost all our testing is manual. Our BVT isn't an end-to-end system yet, etc., etc...

I think what's happening is that we're writing a lot of very buggy code very fast. That's not agile, that's faux-agile, and it's going to bite us in the end.
Tony Fabris