I have Hi8 tapes all over the place, and I'm slowly capturing them so I have a digital copy (that I can backup).

Naturally, the easiest thing to do when capturing these is to let the tape play and go do other things. This results, however, in large files with multiple events and even just scenes that I might want as separate files.

I've been over and searched on videohelp.com, but I haven't found much help there. It doesn't seem to be frequently discussed topic.

I've also found that Adobe Premiere can do scene detection, but for whatever reason it will only do it at the point of capture. That's fine for future captures, but I have a number of videos already done, including my wedding video that was shot on a tape type that my camera doesn't use.

Is there a good application out there that will split up my files for me? If I have to, I'll do it manually. Scene detection is just a bonus. And if you know how to get Premiere to do this to already captured video, that would be even better. I'm currently trying out Premiere to see if I can manage to put together a video of my wedding for my wife for Christmas (I always start these things too late...). Any other suggestions for video editing applications on Windows that won't cost more than $100? Perhaps one that will do scene detection or easy splitting of AVI files?

Thanks for the help.