Yesterday evening I was unable to launch my Facebook app on my phone. Eventually I tried logging into the mobile site, which stated that my account had been suspended due to "suspicious activity," and I proceeded to go through a verification process to get access to it and change my password.

Then, I received a notice that my LinkedIn password needed to be reset. I've reset it, and now it's telling me I need to do it again!

Lastly, I attempted to log in to my Twitter account, but was told I had the wrong password. I then had to go through a password reset process to change that too.

Any ideas what's going on? I'm not frightened or anything, but I'm a little concerned. I have, in the past, commented on many Lifehacker articles, so it's possible that someone from the Gawker attack is trying to brute force my account on various sites, but I use unique passwords for each site. It's a little annoying that they'd simply deny me, the one with the accurate password, access to my account just because someone with a completely different IP address is trying variations on a password that's nothing like mine.

Then again, back in the day I had this problem with MySpace. I hated the site, but my friends used it so I joined. At one point, I received a notice from MySpace that too many login attempts had been made on my account and it would be locked for 24 hours or something. The problem is it was clear that a bot was attempting constant attacks on my account, so it was locked constantly. It baffled me that MySpace could be so stupid about their account management, that I could be completely locked out of using their service because of someone else, even if they didn't break into my account. By that time, though, Facebook was around.

Sorry for that tangent. Any ideas about what's going on with my current accounts?