Originally Posted By: andym
I'd be very interested to see how easy it is to get it working.

If your network isn't complicated then it is very easy to get going and it should just work when you plug in something which is IPv6 capable.

Assign 2001:8B0:XXX:1::1/124 to your PPPoE interface. You don't want EUI-64 and advertisements sent for this.
Assign 2001:8B0:XXX:1::/64 to your internal LAN interface or bridge. Turn on EUI-64 and advertisements for this.

Thats pretty much it to get IPv6 up and running. You'll probably want to add some firewall rules for IPv6 though. I can send you the configuration I'm using if you want to have a look at it.

IPv6 devices on your LAN should pick up the router and prefix by IPv6 neighbour discovery. If you want more control over it then you're going to have to implement DHCPv6 but generally IPv6 ND is enough and is all I run together with regular DHCP.

Originally Posted By: andym
Although I'm not 100% sure how useful it's going to be in the short term.

Currently the answer is not very useful. If you want the ability to directly access a specific machine within your internal LAN that doesn't have a public IPv4 address then its useful but relies on you also having IPv6 at the other end as well.

Originally Posted By: andym
As a side note, it appears upping the MTU has made my VPN over 3G issues disappear as well.

Yeah. Too many badly configured firewalls and routers out there completely block ICMP which screws up path MTU discovery so things get flakey if you're not using a MTU of 1500.