Wow, that developer is kind of a moron:
Sophia wrote
Everyone needs to chill down on this.
Would you all be happier if I simply set the version to 3.0 instead of 2.5? It would’ve been pointless and indeed a lie, this is clearly not that all new version.
There would’t even be a 2.5 release without the Mac App Store.
If you really believe I’m here to screw my customer, then well, stay away from my apps… and tell all of your friends about this horrible person!
For everyone else: Thanks for upgrading!
Where do I start with this? Lets go piece by piece:
- First of all, she's surprised that she's received a 90% negative reaction to breaking a promise to her customers that she'd support them with free upgrades through version 3.0.
- She then asks "Would you all be happier if I simply set the version to 3.0 instead of 2.5?" Why would that make them happier? You'd still be forcing them into the App Store, and you still promised upgrades to 3.0 without having to pay again.
- She then says that 2.5 isn't much different from 2.0, which is going even further in the wrong direction if she wants to appease these people
- IMO, the worst thing you can do as a business is tell your customers "if you don't like it, go F-yourselves." I guess the customer isn't right here?
Sorry, this just cracked me up.