Originally Posted By: wfaulk
I have yet to find a simple and cheap piece of image editing software for the Mac that doesn't suck. And that includes Seashore. Of course, given the very limited amount of image editing I do, "cheap" pretty much means "free". If you're okay with Pixelmator's cost, how about Acorn?

I agree, I absolutely detest having to use gimp under mac os, it sucks big time. I don't have the same issues under windows or Linux (obiously), but there's something about running it under os x that just isn't right. (maybe gtk is just super nasty on that particular port)

I have to say that I pulled the trigger and bought pixelmator, I've been subconciously looking for some sort of image editing type program for a while and somehow pixelmator just didn't pop up on my radar.

I'm impressed too, really decent piece of software. A bargain at it's normal price and a complete steal at its current price.

Edit: I just realised why I detest gimp on mac so much. X11!

Edited by sn00p (10/01/2011 07:05)