
What are the setting on your network card (or motherboard controller)? In the FAQ, it recommends that you run it in 10Mbps Half Duplex. Have you tried this? It's a good place to start.

For reference, my simulation system is running and i7 920 with Windows 7 Ultimate. Two weeks ago, I used it to load 335GB of song database via ethernet to a player over a several day period. During this time I decided to horse-around with the ethernet configurations to see what would happen. I tried the following connections and hardware configurations:

1) I found an old 10Base-T switch and connected it as a private net (only the computer and player connected). Used this for the majority of the load. Worked great, except the collision indicator flashed during the database song loading. It didn't flash for fast events like loading the directories and such only the long activities.

I was going to snoop it to see why, but I just surmized that it was probably throttling due to disk rotational latency as it wrote the large files to the disk. I attributed it to packet re-transmission requests. Someone stomp on me and help me pull my head out, if I got this wrong.

2) I have run it on a smart ethernet switch as well with the motherboard ethernet controller set for auto-negotiate on both the private and whole house network too. I found that running it on the private network didn't slow things down as much and I was able to use my other main computer for internet and other activities. If you have a lot of other ethernet activity on your network, you might starve the player from receiving the IP packets.

3) I also tried it with a fixed address (per the FAQ), for the empeg player and Network Broadcast modes in the options menu of emplode. I tried this in the private and whole house network.

4) jemplode also works fine too.

5) It works fine with both computers (the other one is an older 2.66GHz Core 2-Duo using XP SP-3), on the whole house network. I can use either computer to get to the empeg with emplode. XP works fine with 10Mbps Half-Duplex or auto-negotiate on it too.

All of these worked fine. I don't think you will have success running it with a 100Base-T. I have not been able to get that to work of course as the player hardware won't support it. Some systems Controllers (and Switches) use high speed net health probing which might cause a problem.


1)You are not trying to go direct connect are you (ethernet null or crossover cable)? It always works better with a router or switch. I have tried many switches too - and they have all worked for me - old ones and the brand-new ones - even tried some of the smart switches and they have worked for me.

2) Since you are using a 100GB drive, Is it okay for him to be using the LBA48 Hijack software when his drive is less that 128GB?

In SI, a little termination and attention to layout goes a long way. In EMC, without SI, you'll spend 80% of the effort on the last 3dB.