Cool. Here's the story.

When back in the states, I was looking for a phone to replace my wife's dead

While browsing Craigslist, found a listing for a brand new Droid2 for $100. Auction listing said it couldn't be used on Verizon, but I thought, "no biggie, I'm taking it to Belize anyway." I didn't realize til later that that meant the phone was likely lost, stolen or the former owner didn't pay their bill.

So I get it down to Belize, and Smart says I need an a-key for the phone to work (I assume because it was never activated in the US). Anyone know of a way to bypass that or have a calculator that can come up with one given the ESN on a Droid 2?

I can get to the screen to enter it by either ##PROGRAM then send or ##AKEY then send. I just need the number to enter.
~ John