I must admit: lately I've been considering switching to Apple entirely here at home. I like their products, and by that I don't only mean the design. But it's stuff like this that holds me back. I know every company only has one goal in the end and that's making money, but some of the things Apple does, including this, just seem greedy to me. This, added to the price premium you're already paying when you are purchasing their products (compared to other systems which internally run essentially the same hardware), gives the platform that 'elitist' impression, which I believe is a real shame because it doesn't work in their favour.

In other words: I would really like to like Apple and their products, because I know it's good stuff, and it just works without much effort. But as said, something still holds me back, and that something is the greedy impression this company sets for itself. It seems with Apple, you never know when you're done paying.

It's only been a couple of weeks they pissed off all those newspaper publishers and now there's this again. I know they think they can get away with a lot of stuff, just because "they are Apple". But surely, there has to be a limit to how far this can be taken, and I really hope they are getting close to it. (or maybe they've already crossed it now - let's hope so).
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