> Nobody got rich
Allowe me, you don't have to justify yourself in any way... Even if somebody did, we all should be happy about it. We all decided to buy an empeg, which implies that we all decided deliberatedly that the price asked was fair compared to what we were getting.
The whole point is here: empeg company made an offer, you accepted it. That's it. It means that YOU found it good, and in its turn this means that by definition it WAS good, since this is a luxury good, nothing you can't live without, and if you decided to buy than that means if was fair for you. Nobody forced you.
Empeg people don't even have to come and tell you what's their mairgin.
BUT they did, and this shows honesty and fairness. And I think we all should appreciate this, as their customers.
Next time, if you don't think price is fair, don't buy.

= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg