[Additional note: I see you're close to resolving the problem yourself. I don't have any experience with a linux prompt, sorry.]

You did re-set the jumpers again when you changed configuration those couple of times? I remember some drives have 3 positions; single, master, slave. What are the exact models of drives you have?

To my opinion you took a very drastic method (builder.upgrade) to revive your initial drive... Hope you still got your MP3s backed-up somewhere?

Anyways, install the builder.upgrade with the first drive connected (and jumpered accordingly). That prepares it for use in the empeg. Capture the stress test log and post it. Do the same for your second drive. Then you could install the developer 1.03 upgrade with or without any drive connected. After that, jumper the drives again, attach them and boot the empeg. Capture the bootlog and post.

Good luck.

Edwin de Vaan
mk2 rev.7 Trillian # 080000263 6+20Gb blue/red

Edited by edwin on 11/07/01 01:02 PM.

Edwin de Vaan aka FLaSHmAStER