You may be able to save a little by buying them in Australia compared to UK prices, not as much as HK though.

Originally Posted By: andym

AF-S Nikkor 85mm 1.8D
UK Price (High Street) £304.99
HK Price (Website) £230.23

AF-S Nikkor 35mm 2.0D
UK Price: £252.99
HK Price: £171.90
AU$350 = £220 (for the f1.8 - is this a crop lens?) here

AF-S Nikkor 105mm 2.8
UK Price: £809
HK Price: £477
AU$1100 = £695 here

I'd also really like a super wide, something like AF 18-35, although that's a 3.5-4.5 lens. There's also a 24-85 which is 2.8. There's also a 28-300 that looks quite nice.

Those prices are from a site I am familiar with, some googling may net cheaper prices. I am not up with Nikon lens nomenclature so apologies if these are not correct.

"I spent 90% of my money on women, drink and fast cars. The rest I wasted." - George Best