Originally Posted By: drakino

As a test, I checked iStat for running processes. It showed a number of 3rd party ones in there. After rebooting the phone, the only 3rd party process that came back on it's own was Skype. All others appear to be not auto restarted by the reboot. Keep in mind all apps will always show in the multitasking pane, unless you clear it manually. It's basically a big recent list for apps, running or not.

I was unaware iOS would restart 3rd party processes after a reboot. Handy for VoIP I suppose.

I keep coming across people who are convinced that certain apps are always running, even when they've killed them explicitly. But it just isn't true*.

Apple were very right to be concerned that multitasking on a phone would confuse a lot of people wink

GPS apps can also be restarted at boot, for example if you tell Google Latitude to track your location in the background it will be restarted on boot.

* it might actually be true for GPS apps that are tracking in the background, haven't checked that one
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