I've got this cool sliding, rotating rack inside the cabinet. I was liberal in my use of tie wraps, and the results are reasonably well controlled, although I really wouldn't look forward to trying to shoehorn a new piece of kit into the rack. It's completely packed.

Tricks to make it all work properly:

- CoolerGuys temperature-sensing fan controller, with two fans built into our cabinet

- Cables to Go IR blaster kit (only actually using the IR emitter for the TiVo, with everything else direct connected to the IR-in jack on the back)

- HDMI everywhere

Curiously, if I had our remote control generate the IR codes for the receiver, the volume controlling was damn near impossible. It would go from a slow speed to stupid-fast with no indication of what's going on unless you could see the screen. If, however, I had the remote control volume buttons generate the IR codes for the TV set, the TV would display "Volume +" while shipping the command over the HDMI line. It still doesn't say anything useful like the absolute volume number, but it's "good enough" that I don't want to mess with it any more.

Edited by DWallach (12/04/2011 00:18)