I'd say to make an honest evaluation as to whether she has the motivation and work ethic to home school. If she does, then go for it. If not, the cost of the transfer pales in comparison to private school tuition. It's not a bad option if the school culture is that much better than the local one. Just take it out of her clothing budget

Yes, I did not bring it up earlier but she is not a self-motivator. While her work ethic is good (as long as she is working for someone else, working for us, forget it) her lack of motivation and typical teen age disobedience are definitely a factor in the decision.
We do have a good private school that would be an option if money wasn’t. The school would run close to $10k a year. We did send her to a private Catholic school until the eight grade (Even though we are not Catholic). It was a great school and ranked well above any school in this area. Unfortunately it only went to the eight grade.
It was even run by a nun with a ruler in hand
