Originally Posted By: peter
When a web site gives you two or more options for how to proceed, you can do them all in different tabs, then close all the tabs you aren't interested in -- without fearing that you've lost the "magic" one with the history going back before the choices page.

Ahh, ok. I've tended to handle that by opening all the links in the background, keeping the first tab in the list as the source tab to go back to later. Lately I've been using more trackpad gestures for back, and was hoping that the second method was how the add-on worked. I've had a few times where I swipe back, only to have nothing happen due to being in a new tab.

This is the great thing about modern browsers and add-ons, it's pretty easy to create a very custom web workflow that meets the demands of the users, without trying to overload the stock browser with a million checkboxes.