That is because there is no air conditioning. Our climate is so temperate here that neither heat nor air conditioning is required at any time of the year. The average daily high temperature, from coldest month to hottest month, ranges from 76 to 86 degrees. Yesterday was atypical, with outside temperature approaching 90, but May is the "hot" month. June through September is the rainy season and temperatures will moderate. BTW, during the rainy season, just like Camelot, it only rains at night. Really. Fantastic electrical storms (I counted 70 lightning flashes a minute during one storm with absolutely continuous thunder) at night, clear, cloudless days. Perhaps 15 days a year there is rain during the day. The last drop of rain that fell here was September 30, 2010.
Sounds just like the weather here, except we're slightly closer to hell than you are

It probably averages 10 degrees warmer during the rainy season. Also, during the rainy season, we get random rain storms and squalls coming off the sea any time without warning. Thirty minutes later the rains moves on and it's not only torridly hot, but incredibly humid as all that water evaporates off. Then the mosquitoes come out. My part of Belize is miserable during the rainy season and paradise for most of the dry season.
As I explained in Jason's post, unfortunately that isn't a workable alternative.
It's actually John. But you can call me Jason if you want.