Originally Posted By: jimhogan
Are you sure? LED replacements are available for a lot of the traditional halogen/reflectors with base type like MR16.
Can you point me in the right direction? There are some do-it-yourself options (build your own circuit board, find LEDs, somehow put it all together) that don't excite me. What I want is a simple solution where I can just unplug/unscrew/unwhatever the fixture and put in the replacement.

Cost is a consideration. I did a recount, and find that I have 25 of the little beggars in the house, the majority of which are never used, but if I replaced them all it could run a couple thousand dollars. Maybe just the 10 that do get used (two sets of three, one set of four) but even those probably don't add up to more than five or ten hours in a month.

Originally Posted By: jimhogan
The billing system (and my guess at the rationale) seem to make sense.
I agree that the rationale makes sense. But why make it so complicated? For instance, in less than 5 minutes I put together a billing scheme that provides remarkably similar results to the CFE plan, and is much simpler. In words, multiply the KWH used in the billing cycle by a fixed rate factor, in my example 0.0500, to get the rate per kilowatt hour. See the attached spreadsheet for how it works, note how quickly the heavy-usage penalty escalates as you increase even slightly the rate factor.

But that would be too easy. Without the electric company's FUD factor, more people would complain about the rates.


Electric Pricing.xls (227 downloads)

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"