Originally Posted By: drakino
These are my current tech news sites:

thisismynext.com - quickly becoming my favorite. Instead of just posting very quick snippets of news with the exact same content everyone else is posting, they tend to also do deeper analysis. For example, there was these two articles earlier in the week:

News - HTC will no longer lock bootloaders
Editorial - HTC’s bootloader decision: what does it mean?

If it's something that interests me, I have a well researched editorial piece right there to help me learn more.

arstechnica.com - I've been an infrequent visitor over the years. Once I had my Flipboard/Google Reader setup, I found I was looking at more and more of their stories, to the point they rose up and survived my culling last week.

anandtech.com - Always been a big fan of the reviews there. Their approach seems to not only be to provide good reviews, but also provide in depth technical explanations that are still easy enough to follow.

daringfireball.net - Hey, it's required as part of the official Apple fanboy club deal :-)

I'm still deciding on sites for gaming news, car news, and a few of my other interests. Last week, I purged the following from my feeds:

tuaw.com (not because of the redesign)

I think I had some others that I dropped too, but now I can't remember what they were. Gawkers been on my bad list for a while, so they were never a part of my Google Reader setup.

Ah, interesting! I remember finding good reviews on ananadtech a few years ago when I was shopping for high-speed thumb drives. I never caught on to reading the site regularly, though.
I'll have to try it and some of the others you've listed.

I'm pretty well rooted on slashdot and sister-in-spirit site Fark.com. Fark has recently updated its look and they don't seem to have broken anything. Their old motto "It's not news, it's FARK!" has been replaced with "We don't make news. We mock it."

I'm still stuck on Gizmodo/Jalopnik/Lifehacker, although I use their old style pages and generally get more info from the comments than the blurbs.

FlightGlobal is a great aero-industry news site. Best I've found for free.

GizMag hits the same part of my brain that old Popular Mechanics and Popular Science magazines used to. Bright site, more coverage than just blurbs, interesting and sometimes whimsical articles.

And then there's The Kneeslider- a one-man operation that mostly reports on motorcycle related news and innovations, but often goes into aspects of autos, motors, and other mechanasia (is that a word?). New posts pop up every couple of days, but are generally interesting to me.
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