I have a big day tomorrow so I have to get to bed very shortly, but some quick responses:

Patrick - thanks so much, I might actually attempt this one. I've never done anything like it, though, so I'm concerned about my abilities. Oh, and I'm also pissed that they never made something for consumers that utilized that hole in the bottom of almost every single Canon POS. You see them plugged in at the store that way!

Larry - unfortunately there really isn't any way to get power to the location. I'd need to rig something like Patrick is talking about, and a vid cam would take too much juice.

Doug - sorry if I wasn't clear, but I in no way care about the quality of the photos. I'm just going to be setting it to take a photo every 30 to 90 seconds at the lowest quality and hope that it grabs the general shape of the display. I'm simply looking to see what's visible from that location.