The way I always go into Services is via a right click on My Computer (on the desktop, or the Computer entry in the start menu), and picking Manage from the menu.
Oh... neat trick. I didn't know about that one!
Lets try it again, but this time zip the file before uploading it. It will get large (and highly compressable), but what I plan to do is split it up and see what differences appear during the time it's loading.
Zip file attached. I let it run out to about 6200 lines. However, only 111 of the lines are unique, the other 6000+ are duplicates, including 180 "wmpnetwk.exe" and 330 "Can not obtain ownership information" lines, those two being the most popular. There, now that I've done that in-depth analysis for you, I'm sure the answer will be right at your fingertips.
