... and after few months working flawlessly, I am now getting BOSD once in a while. I would say this is happening once a week in the last three weeks, and twice this week in particular. Symptoms are just identical to the many I read around the web, including OCZ Forums themselves: system hands, BOSD, when you reboot no drive is found. Power down, power up, all is ok.
I am reading all the attempts at fiddling with drive parameters in order to avoid this, even with latest firmware, and it is a ridiculous waste of time IMO, as crashes seem to be happening with latest firmware as well.
I hope this does not get worse. And I hope a working firmware is released soon.
Or, I am going to return it and get an Intel 510 instead.
My first one was like that I tried a bunch of stuff to fix it but ended up doing an RMA and they sent me a new one. The new one has not had any issues.