Originally Posted By: mlord

3. The Canon EF-S 17-85mm-IS lens for my DSLR started having troubles during the first week in Italy. This is my MAIN LENS for the camera, and it's quite a bit lighter in weight than the others I had brought along. So I had to put up with aggravating my injured elbow (tendinitis) and used the much heavier and less convenient EF24-105mmL-IS for much of the rest of the trip. Now that we're home, I've ordered the $25 replacement part for this common lens repair.

Ever consider carrying an older Manual Focus Prime lens adapted to EOS as a backup lens? Extremely light and nothing to go wrong- you just have to get used to open aperture metering. If EBay completed auctions are any indication the Olympus OM 50mm 1.4 is pretty highly regarded.