I'd say overall it's a good article, and touch does need to be implemented carefully just like any other interface.

Two points I can make after reading it:

1. With the Nano, I agree that it's annoying that the basic play/pause turned into a touch action. I think it's a bit of a mistake similar to the buttonless Shuffle they backed away from. One potential fix without changing the device would be to bundle the iPhone earbuds with the control buttons with the Nano, instead of the iPod earbuds. They control volume, play, pause, and can also skip tracks without interacting with the Nano touch screen.

2. Car touch screens. I also agree that touch interfaces here can be really bad for the environment they are used in. When I had my CarPC, I was glad volume control was handled by dedicated buttons I could feel on the unit. Most cars seem to have volume as a button on the steering wheel along with a few other controls, and I hope those stay if a touchscreen is in the dash. One useful way to handle other functions with Streetdeck was via touch gestures. I could slide my finger anywhere on the screen left to right to skip to the next track. Top to bottom was play/pause. And a few graffiti like gestures let me go into different sections like music, radio, etc. These were all workable without having my eye on the screen.