How hard is it to, umm, buy the goods in the U.S. and arrange for, umm, alternative transportation into Mexico?
Very difficult.
It's not like driving from Oregon into Nevada or something... It would be about a 4,000 kilometer trip, it would require a decent sized truck (one of the boxes is eight and a half feet long, total weight 215 pounds) and there would still be the
$ituation of getting it across the border into Mexico. This is not a job to be taken casually, probably need to hire a customs broker... I have the address of a local moving company with experience doing this sort of thing, perhaps they can help. Federal Express would cost in the vicinity of $2400, plus customs duty.
So far it appears that my best (and only financially do-able) option is to find one already in Mexico. I have emailed the company that petteri linked, and am awaiting a reply. Since that does not seem forthcoming, the next step is to call them, but I am dreading that because my Spanish will not suffice for anything remotely technical or complex.