Originally Posted By: petteri
I suppose you could also try to e-mail the parent company, and see if they can act as a go between
I called the Mexican company, my Spanish was good enough to go through the receptionist to the person who did the stair lifts, and he spoke excellent English and Spanish, so communication turned out not to be a problem.

However...his price was higher than my cost to buy from a US supplier and import it to Mexico.

I'm working on another plan now. My friend Carlos has offered to drive to Texas with me and pick it up there. Carlos has the connections and knows how to finesse customs so this might be do-able. If I put my bike rack on top of my Honda Fit, I can carry the 8.5 foot piece on top of the car, the rest of the boxes will fit inside. If that works out, the total cost will be less than half of the Mexican purchase price.

We'll see...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"