Originally Posted By: adavidw
My car has bluetooth support for handsfree calling, but no A2DP. I tried a few other solutions, then hit upon the TuneLink Auto (which comes in iPhone or Android flavors) - http://newpotatotech.com/TUNELINK_AUTO/tunelink_auto.html

Very strange, that device simply never turned up in any searches that I've done. I've been on Amazon several times looking for these types of devices and none of my searches listed that device. Either my search terms are bad (probable), or that New Potato company hasn't listed their product very well on Amazon (possible).

One thing I've always wanted from Amazon is a breadcrumb trail (or whatever you guys might call it). For example, what Newegg does. On that result, if that product doesn't interest me but I want to see others in that category, I can back up to "Bluetooth Cell Phone Accessories." I guess Amazon sells a wider variety of things that would fall into more categories, but I've always wanted to be able to shop this way on their site.

It's like the reverse of a brick and mortar store, where you go in looking for something so you seek out the department, then the aisle, then the shelf, then the item. This way I can start with the item and back out to the shelf.

Anyway, back on topic. Aaron, you mentioned that the Kensington device gave you a bad ground loop. So the Tunelink did not? I would not be using it with FM (I've never had good sound from those devices). Also, is that app necessary? I'm a little wary of a device that works on a standard (bluetooth), but touts itself as only being compatible with one device or another. Why couldn't they have made the same device work with apps on either platform? Because they wanted different colors? What if I don't want it to be a green LED ring? Sorry, I just find that odd.

Anyway, thanks for the recommendation. I might order one of those and return it if it doesn't work for me...