I could not agree more about the distortions caused by the ridiculously long and haphazardly-staggered primary calendar. In a sane world, Rick Santorum would never be able to become the GOP frontrunner, but with a primary calendar front-loaded with states having a high percentage of "family values" voters, he's managed to do so. By the time the primaries come to states that would vote on something other than abortion, it might be too late. (Of course, since he'll be by far the weakest candidate in the general election, I'm rather enjoying the spectacle of it all, and if he does end up being the nominee, it makes Obama's re-election campaign a lot easier.)

My ideal primary setup (leaving aside dreams of breaking the two party system) is a national primary week. All 50 states, and a full week long to maximize turnout. None of this up, down, stuff with 20+ debates. You get a handful of debates to make your case to the nation, then the states all vote, and you have a nominee. Of course something like that would probably require a constituional amendment to enforce, so it won't happen, but the way things are now horribly distort the process to the point of absurdity. (Really? Newt Gingrich???)
- Tony C
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