Maybe you shouldn't install Samsung garbage for your clients? That's my take on this.

I wouldn't touch anything from Samsung with a 10-foot pole as they say (other than components used in other brands).
I'm not always the one choosing the components. That said, it's a pretty nice bluray player, and I really don't see this as evidence of a bad product.
Did you happen to check Remote Central to find out if there's anything especially funky about those codes BTW? Hunting for discretes is pretty easy if you want to spend a little time with DecodeIR and MakeHex.
I wasn't looking for for discrete codes. I was simply trying to learn the codes from the bluray player's remote, and none of them would learn. Frankly, I've gotten frustrated by the Remote Central forums. I can't tell you how many times I've searched that place for an answer, only to find a thread about the exact same topic with no resolution.
And forget their file database. It's horribly outdated...